
The below is a list of academic journals that regularly publish research on planning related matters. Free access journals are marked below and links provided where possible:

Australian Planner

A|Z ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture

Australasian Journal of Regional Studies

Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Final Report Series

Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Positioning Paper Series

Berkeley Planning Journal

Canadian Journal of Urban Research

Children, Youth and Environments CYE Network | Cyenetwork

Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning

City and Community

City, Culture and Society

City: analysis of urban change, theory, action

Cityscape (Washington, D.C.)

Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance

Community Development

Computers, Environment and Urban Systems

Critical Planning

Current Politics and Economics of Africa

Development Studies Research



Economic Development Quarterly: the journal of American economic revitalization

Ekistics: problems and science of human settlements

Environment & Urbanization

Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space

Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design

Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space

Environment and Planning D: Society and Space

Environment and Urbanization ASIA

European Journal of Spatial Development

European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research

European Planning Studies

European Spatial Research and Policy

European Urban and Regional Studies



Global Urban Studies

Growth and Change: a journal of urban and regional policy

Habitat International

Heritage and Society

International Development Planning Review

International Journal of Housing Policy

International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy

International Journal of Sustainable Transportation

International Journal of Urban And Regional Research

International Journal of Urban Sciences

International Journal Of Urban Sustainable Development

International Planning Studies

International Regional Science Review

Journal for European Environmental and Planning Law

Journal for Studies in Management and Planning

Journal of Air Transport Management

Journal of Architectural and Planning Research

Journal of Developing Societies

Journal of Economic and Social Policy

Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management

Journal of Environmental Planning and Management

Journal of Environmental Policy Planning

Journal of Futures Studies

Journal of Geography and Regional Planning

Journal of Heritage Tourism

Journal of Housing and the Built Environment

Journal of Housing Economics

Journal of Housing Research

Journal of Land Use and Environmental Law

Journal of Planning and Land Management

Journal of Planning Education and Research

Journal of Planning History

Journal of Planning Literature

Journal of Pro-Poor Growth

Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management

Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy

Journal of Regional Science

Journal of Research in Architecture and Planning

Journal of Rural Studies

Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning

Journal of Sustainable Real Estate

Journal of the American Planning Association

Journal of Tourism Challenges and Trends

Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering

Journal of Transport and Land Use

Journal of Transport Geography

Journal of Urban Affairs

Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering

Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis

Journal of Urban and Regional Information Systems Association

Journal of Urban Design

Journal of Urban Economics

Journal of Urban History

Journal of Urban Planning and Development

Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal

Journal Of Urban Technology

Journal of Urbanism

Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management

King Saud University Journal: Architecture and Planning

Land Economics

Land Tenure Journal

Land Use Policy

Landscape and Urban Planning

Landscapes: The Journal of the International Centre for Landscapes and Language

Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences

Local Economy

Local Environment

Local Government Law Journal

Local Government Studies

Nature and Culture

New Community

Online Planning Journal

Papers in Regional Science

Planning and Environmental Law

Planning Perspectives: an international journal of history, planning and the environment

Planning Practice and Research

Planning Theory

Planning Theory and Practice

Progress in Planning

Public Art Dialogue

Real Estate Economics

Regional Development Studies

Regional Science and Urban Economics

Regional Science Policy and Practice

Regional Studies, Regional Science

Research in Transportation Business and Management

Review of Regional Studies: the official journal of the Southern regional science association

Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies

Revista INVI

Space and Polity

Spaces and Flows: an international journal of urban and extraurban studies

Spatial Economic Analysis

Studies in Regional and Urban Planning


Territory, Politics, Governance

The Annals of Regional Science: international journal of urban, regional and environmental research and policy

The Developing Economies

The International Journal of Science in Society

The Open Urban Studies Journal

Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management

Third World Quarterly

Town Planning and Architecture

Town Planning Review

Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers

Transport Policy


Urban Affairs Review

Urban Challenge

Urban Design International

Urban Forum

Urban Geography

Urban History

Urban Policy and Research

Urban Research and Practice

Urban Science

Urban Studies

Urban, Planning and Transport Research


World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research